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Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Class of 1945

Thanks to Mary Ann (Sutlovich) Bishop, her sister Louise (Sutlovich) Major, Louise's husband Dick Major, and Marilyn (Ordos) Kulseth who supplied the photos, with help in identifications from Sally Keane, Connie (Jacobson) Hevly, Sam Mezich, and Don Piro, we have an impressive set of photos from the early to late 1940's. We begin with the Graduation Photo of the Class of 1945.
Top Row:       Donald Diefenbach(deceased) Jerry Hueffed(deceased), Joe Ferluga, Bobby Waitt
2nd Row:         Richard Anderson, Tommy Hueffed(deceased, Jerome Meick, Carol Horan, Joe Betzendorfer, Jake Pfleiger, John Flanigan
Front Row:    Sr. Mary Joseph, DorothyRegimbal, Rowena Kuntz, ?,Charlotte Le June, 
Kathleen Morello, Marie Mortensen, Mary Ann Sutlovich, Anna Berry, Ann O’Brien

Next there are photos from earlier years of this class(always taken in a pairs with another class with whom they shared a room except for grade 7) (Note: From the beginning in 1923-24 all the way up through 1946 or 1947, St. Margaret School had 8 grades in 4 classrooms. Thus photos were almost always of grades 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, with a single class photo only  of the graduating class and of an occasional 7th grade class. When the population boomed at the end of WWII, the sisters moved to the old rectory to accommodate the burgeoning population, and thus there were individual classes and class photos. This was a short-lived phenomenon, because of the creation of Our Lady of Fatima parish and school in 1954 when more than half of the population transferred to that school. After that some photos for a few years  were a mix of combined classes or of individual classes. As more photos are posted , I try to identify the classes by their years of graduation as well as the grade they were in at the time and the year the photo was taken. Hopefully not too many mistakes will occur.)

Below is the Class of 1945 taken in Grade 7(1944):
Top Row:    John Ferluga, Jake Pfleiger, Bobby Waitt, Joe Ferluga
2nd Row: Tommy Hueffed, John Flanigan, Joe Betzendorfer, ?, ?, Richard Anderson, Jerome Mieck
Front Row: Patsy Requa, Mary Ann Sutlovich, Kathleen Morello, Marie Mortensen, Charlotte Le June, Anna Berry, Rowena Kuntz, ?, ?

Next is this class in a combined photo with  the 7th grade of the Class of 1946 (taken in 1945)
Top Row: Donald Diefenbach(deceased), Bobby Waitt, Jerry Hueffed, Joe Ferluga, Jake Pfleiger
2nd Row:   Ann O’Brien, Richard Anderson, Tommy Hueffed, Jerome Meick, Joe Betzendorfer, John Flanigan, Carol Horan
3rd Row:   Marilyn Ordos, Marian Wobby, ?, Etta Louise Elliott, Betty Lou Duval, Patricia Herring, Sally Keane, Charlotte Le June
                  Katharine Ruel, Mary Lou Moses, Patsy Requa
4th Row:   Dorothy Regimbal, Rowena Kuntz, Kathleen Morello, Marie Mortensen, Mary Ann Sutlovich, Anna Berry
                 Pat Kachur

Next we have the Classes of 1945 & 1946 in Grades 5&6 (1943)
Top Row: James Walsh, Bob Zorich, Richard Anderson, Joseph Betzendorf
2nd Row:  Mary Ann Sutlovich, Kathy Morello, Marie Mortensen, Joanne Slavin, Charlotte Le June, Patricia Herring, Anna Berry
                 Julie Dennehy, Anne O’Brien
3rd Row:  Vincent Gervais, Pat Kachur, Katharine Ruel, Betty Duvall, Sally Keane, ?, Etta Louise Elliott, ?, Jerry Hueffed
4th Row:   Jimmy Messmer, John Flanigan, ?, Mary Lou Moses, Joan Etzkorn, Patsy Requa, Dorothy Regimbal, Marilyn Ordos
                 Mary Jane Wolfe, Tommy Hueffed, Bobby Foster
Front: Sammy Mezich, Bobby Waite, Art Tarabochia, Don Dieffenback, Joe Ferluga, Dewey Churlin, Gerald Farrell

Next is the Classes of 1945&1944 in Grades 5&6 (1942) ID's of this photo will come later.

Next is the Classes of 1945&1946 in Grades 3&4 (1941)

Top Row: Joe Ferluga, Arthur Tarabochia, Bobby Waite, ?, Bob Zorich, ?, Richard Anderson, ?, Tommy Hueffed, Sammy Mezich, Bobby Foster
2nd Row: Patsy Requa, Joanne Slavin, ?, Carol Horan, Joan Orvitz, Mary Ann Sutlovich, Anna Berry,?, Betty Lou Duvall, ?Joan Etzkorn
3rd Row: Marilyn Ordos, Mary Jane Wolfe, Mary Lou Moses, Sally Keane, Juliann Dennehy, Dolores Daly, Anne O’Brien, Katharine Ruel
Bottom Row: ?, Jimmy O’Neil, Dewey Churlin, Leo Yerabek, Jerry Hueffed, Vincent Gervais

Next is the Classes of 1945 &1944 in Grades 3&4 (1940) Identifications to be supplied later

Editor's note: I am just amazed  that we have been able to obtain pictures from 7 decades ago and that people are still able to remember the names of their classmates and identify their pictures!

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