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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Class of 1950

Thanks to Virginia( Zuvich) DeVos and Jay Charles we  have a graduation photo of the Class of 1950 complete with ID's. It was taken on the stage of the Church Hall.

Back Row:       Tom?, Henry Wilson, Lorraine LaJune, Patrick Geraghty(deceased) Jean Gervais,
                        Richard Swanson, Virginia Zuvich, Jay Charles, Peggy Sanders, Tom Byrnes,
                        David Dworak(later changed to Dvorak)(deceased)
Front Row:       Gilbert Ackerman, Lucille Thoms, Emmett Byrnes, Suzanne Richards, John Beeson(deceased),
                        Althea Barber, Steve Cerutti, Mary Frances McQuilkin, Jim Kelleher,
                        Margaret Earls (deceased), Terry Rasmussen
                        (absent from photo) Arlene Lamb, Mary Harper, Larry Diefenback

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